
Andradite is a species of the garnet group.
A nesosilicate.
Andradite includes three varieties: Melanite (black in color referred as titanian andradite), Demantoid (vivid green in color, one of the most valuable and rare stones), Topazolite (yellow-green, even rarer than demantoid)
Like other garnets, it crystallizes in cubic.
Andradite is named after the Brazilian mineralogist J.B. de Andrada e Silva (1763-1838).
Damantoid is named after its adamantine luster.
Andradite uses are in jewelry, making good gemstones.

Category: Garnet
Formula: Ca3Fe2(SiO4)3
21,01% calcium; 19,52% iron; 14,73% silicon; 44,74% oxygen
33,11% CaO; 31,42% Fe2O3; 35,47% SiO2
Color: yellow, green-yellow to emerald green, dark green, brown, brownish red, brownish yellow ,gray black, black
Habit: commonly well-crystallized dodecahedra, trapezohedra or combinations, also granular to massive
Cleavage: none
Fracture: conchoidal to uneven
Tenacity: brittle
Density: 3,7-4,1; average 3,9
Hardness: 6,5-7,5 Mohs
Luster adamantine to resinous, dull
Streak: White
Transparent to translucent
Specific gravity: 3,859 calculated; measured 3,8-3,9
Forms in igneous and metamorphic rocks
Optical properties: isotropic, eakly anisotropic
Special properties: may show chatoyancy in Topazolite variety

Common impurities: Ti, Cr, Al, Mg

Demantoid - transparent light to dark green to yellow green
Melanite - opaque black, Ti bearing (titanium)
Topazolite - transparent to translucent yellow, may show chatoyancy; resembling topaz 
Bredbergite - green magnesian variety
Colophonite - a granular of brown, yellow-orange or redish garnet, usually andradite
Polyadelphite - a red brown, golden brown or yellow brown variety of manganoan andradite
Stanniferous andradite
Titanmelanite - black Ti bearing andradite also melanite, approaching schorlomite in composition
Titanoan andradite - brown coloured Ti bearing (titan)
Yttergranat - a rich Yttrium andradite
Mali garnet - garnet from Africa country of MAli, from green to yellow to brown (most often greenish-yellow)
Rainbow garnet - iridescent form of andradite garnet
Schorlomite - rare form of farnet rich in titanium, but scientifically classified as a individual mineral species

Associated minerals: Vesuvianite, Chlorite, Epidote, Spinel, Calcite, Dolomite, Magnetite, Sodalite.

Related minerals: Grossular, Uvarovite, Goldmanite, Hedenbergite, Pyroxferroite, Ferro-akermanite, Kirschsteinite, Tungusite, Ferro-actinolite, Ilvaite, Juigoldite.

Distinguishing similar minerals:
Almandine, Spessartine and Grossular - can be very difficult to distinguish but locality is often a good indicator.
Almandite can have a hardness of 7,5-8,5 and colorless streak; it is dark red, reddish-brown, black
Spessartine has hardness of 7; colorless streak, brown, orange, brownish-red, dark red, pink, yellow brown, yellow, gray black
Uvarovite - occurs in deeper colored green crystals as well in a different environment.

Colophonite, Polyadelphite
Andradite with brownish-red color on Sodalite

Other names: garnet andradite andradit andraditul demantoid demantoidul melanite melanit melanitul topazolite topazolit topazolitul
