
Calcite is a carbonate, very common mineral and has a very special ability, double refraction.
The most special characteristic is double refraction when the sample is very clear.
Will take any unpolarized light and split it in two at two different angles.
Calcite can be used at cement, construction and protector layer for metals.

Calcite and aragonite are polymorphic, which means that both have the same chemical formula, like diamond and graphite.
But calcite forms trigonal crystals and aragonite orthorombic crystals.
When the samples are too small, it is hard to distinguish them and complex optical tests are necessary.
They get often wrong tags.
Calcite is chemicaly is similar with aragonite and vaterite.

Similar minerals: aragonite (polymorphic), dolomite
A isomorphous mineral is also Cerussite.

Chemical formula: CaCO3
Compozitie: 40,04% calcium; 12% carbon; 47,96% oxygen; 56,03% CaO; 43,97% Co2
Scrystal system: trigonal or tirclinic
Color: colorless, white, gray, yellow and even pink, red, green, brown or black
Can be transparent, translucent or opaque
Streak white
Hardness 3 Mohs
Cleavage perfect
habitus stalactitic
Density: 2,71

Special characteristics:
Double refraction with dispersion angle up to 25 degree
Can be thermoluminoscent, triboluminoscent, fluorescent and phosphorescent
Fluorescent and phosphorescent in short UV with yellow, blue, green, red and long UV yellow, blue, green, and red color
After exposed to ultraviolet and turning the light off, some calcite may keep glow in the dark, ability named phosphorescence

Reacts chemicaly with hydrochloric acid and other acids
Some calcites becomes fluorescent when heated
Hardness of 3 Mohs and white streak
Double refraction if is clear crystal

Yellow calcite on the left and on right it's glow in the dark ability after exposed to ultraviolet for short time and let it in the dark

A sphere of Yellow Calcite

