Calcium carbonate

Is the compound with the formula CaCO3.
It is common found in rocks as Calcite and Aragonite (most notably as limestone , a type of sedimentary rock consisting mainly of Calcite).
It is the main component of pearls and shells of marine organisms, snails and eggs.
Is the active ingredient in agricultural lime and is created when calcium ions in hard water react with carbonate ions to create limescale.
In medicine is used as calcium supplement or antacid but is hazardous in excessive consumption.

The thermodynamically stable form under normal conditions is hexagonal in the mineral Calcite and in denser conditions (2,83 g/cm cube) forms orthorhombic crystals in the mineral aragonte and hexagonal occurring as vaterite.
The Aragonite can be prepared by precipitation at temperature above 85 Celsius and the vaterite form can be prepared by precipitation at 60 Celsius.
Calcium contains calcium atoms by coordinated by six oxygen atoms and in Aragonite they are coordinated by nine oxygen atoms. The vaterite structure is not fully understood.
MAgnesium carbonate MgCO3 has a Calcite structure where strontium carbonate SrCO3 and barium carbonate BaCO3 adopt the Aragonite structure.

Pure forms:
Cerussite is a isomorphous mineral, lead carbonate PbCO3

A sphere of calcite and a piece of calcite

Industrially important sources are limestone, chalk, marble and travertine.
Eggshells, snail shells and most seashells are predominantly calcium carbonate and can be used as sources.

Strong evidence suggest the presence of calcium carbonate on Mars, detected on more locations like Gusev and Huygens craters. Proving liquid water evidence in the past.

reacts with acids releasing carbon dioxide (technically speaking carbon acid but that disintegrates quickly to CO2 and H2O)
reacts with water and is saturated with carbon dioxide to form the soluble calcium bicarbonate

It is used in constructions, as building material or for road building in cement.
It is used n the purification of iron from iron ore in blast furnace.
It is used in oil industry, added to drilling fluids.
It is used as raw material in refining of sugar from sugar beet.
In medicine as supplement for gastric antacid such as Tums.
Is used in agriculture lime, powdered chalk or limestone as cheap method for neutralizing acidic soil.
