
On this blog, I will post my thoughts with my collections together with in-depth info on what I post.
My greatest collection and passion is crystals and minerals.
I collect them, learn about them, experiment and write about them here.
My most loved ability of a crystal, personally I thing is it's luminescence, it's ability to absorb and emit light on other wave forms (fluorescence) or in time (phosphorescence).
I have many more other collections and passions like astronomy, elements and more, I will write about them and post photos every time I can.

If you have any thoughts and even critics, I wait you in comments.
I hope you like what I do

Another hobby I have is drawing, I will start posting my old drawings here and maybe start doing some new.

Crystals Gallery

Here are some of my best looking crystals and minerals I have.
I will add more photos as times goes as well do a post for each one for more details.

A piece of agate with light shining through
The same agate but emitting orange light after being exposed to ultraviolet light,
 showing fluorescence

Fluorite and it's ability to fluorescence

A beautifyl pyramid made of Fluorite

Calcite and on the left it's ability to glow in the dark

A sphere of Calcite

Malachite, you're phone contains copper which is extracted from this mineral!

A piece of Fluorite

An amulet made of Malachite

Tiger's eye stone

Chalcopyrite, looks like gold, also known as fool's gold


Smarald or Emerald, it doesn't look that good, until is processed!


Aragonite crystals


Pyrate, cubic crystals form, also named fool's gold
