
Hackmanite is a sulfur rich variety of sodalite with a pink or purple color.
Can be pale white or creamy white and change to pink or purple under natural light or the effect can be accelerated under UV light.
The efect lasts for a while but in the darkness will slowly come to the original color.
Hackmanite is sometimes described as pale-colored sodalite or sodalite with fluorescence or tenebrescence.
Was named by Victor Axel Hackman (1866-1941)

Category: Tectosilicates without zeolitic
Formula: Na8(Al6Si6O24)Cl+ S  Sodium aluminum silicate with chlorine and rich in sulfur but under 1%
Crystal system: cubic
Color creamy white, pale-white, pink or violet and can change under natural light in violet or pink or after is exposed of UV light long wave
Is often opaque but can be transparent to translucent
Fracture: Conchoidal to uneven
Hardness: 5,5-6 Mohs
Density: 2,29
Luster dull vitreous to greasy
Streak white
Specific gravity 2,27-2,33
Optical properties: isotropic
Special properties: fluorescence bright red-orange
cathodoluminescence and fluorescence under long and short UV with yellowish phosphorescence
may be photochromic
tenebrescence / photochromatism / photochromism presented in a variety of sodalite named hackmanite
Soluble in hydrochloric acid and nitric acid
Short UV yellow white orange
Long UV yellow white, red orange
Special properties:

Hackmanite fluoresces orange to red in shortwave and orange in longwave UV.
Hardness 5,5-6 Mohs and streak white
Can present tenebrescence, having a pink or violet color, accentuated color after it is exposed to natural light; effect accelerated by UV light

Has tenebrescence, changing color from white pale to purple, violet or pink in natural light and accelerated in UV light
Has Thermoluminescence
Hackmanite is strongly tenebrescent
For more info search Sodalite

Sodalite occurs in vein in igneous rock and in association with leucite, cancrinite and natrolite.
Can be associated with nepheline, titanian andradite, aegirine, microcline, sanidine, albite, calcite, fluorite, ankerite and baryte.

Sources: https://www.mindat.org/min-3701.html

Other names: hackmanine hackmanin hackmaninul
