
Moonstone is a feldspar, known for its glowing color resembling moonlight.
Can belong to different members of feldspar group especially orthoclase and oligoclase.
Moonstone has a unique style of colors known as adularescence.
Is an abundant and inexpensive gemstone, often displays in addition to its mysterious glow effect, a cats eye effect and the band of light may float upon movement of the stone.
Asterism is a form of four-rayed stars also exists but less common.
The more transparent it is, the more valuable it is.
Moonstones with bluish color are more in demand and valuable.

Care should be taken as moonstone is sensitive to pressure and can crack or chip.

Cat's Eye Moonstone - exhibits chatoyancy
Rainbow Moonstone - moonstone with blue sheen color, may be referring to labradorite also
Star Moonstone - moonstone with asterism

Similar gems:
Moonstone may look like some opal varieties but is harder and the glow is characteristic.

Formula plagioclase feldspars: (Na,Ca)AL1-2Si3-2O8
orthoclase feldspar: KAlSi3O8
Color: white, colorless, blue, green, yellow, orange, brown, pink, purple, gray
Hardness 6-6,5
Refractive index 1,518-1,526
Transparent to translucent
Luster pearly
Mineral class: orthoclase, oligoclase
Orthoclase composition: 14,05% potassium; 9,69% aluminum; 30,27% silicon; 45,99% oxygen;
16,92% K2O; 18,32% Al2O3; 64,76% SiO2
Density orthoclase: 2,56
Plagioclase composition: 4,25% sodium; 7,40% calcium; 9,96% aluminum; 31,12% silicon; 47,27% oxygen; 5,72% Na2O; 10,36% CaO; 18,83% Al2O3; 66,57% SiO2
Density plagioclase: 2,61-2,76; average 2,68

Optical effect exhibited on certain minerals and gemstones where they display a ghost-like reflection with a bluish-white color emanating from surface, effect caused by anomalies in its structure or build up of water.
Minerals with adularescence: Opal and Moonstone

An effect of some polished cabochons that cause a reflection like a star which moves when rotated.
Asterism is caused by dense inclusions of tiny fibers in the mineral.
Minerals with asterism: Ruby, Moonstone

Effect of cat's eye in minerals causing a white reflected band across the center of the mineral, almost exclusively in polished cabochons.
Minerals: Moonstone


Other names: moon stone moonstone piatra lunii cat's eye cat eye rainbowmoonstone rainbow star moonstone starmoonstone piatra luni
