What are minerals and crystals?

The majority of metals, chemical substances and industrial products comes from minerals.
Quartz is a silicate crystal, very popular, is essential for today's devices like phones and computers, in manufacturing processors.
In agriculture, fertilizers and other minerals are very important on the soil.
Cars, batteries, construction and everything around us is made or are minerals.
The salt we use in food is coming from the mineral Halite.
Paint, dyes and colors are made from minerals like Lapis Lazuli and more others.

Crystals are solid substances witch present regular forms named crystals.
An crystal is a substances with constant and regular form, even when smashed in very small particle, crystals will keep their original crystallization system.

Minerals are naturals, they form the interior of the earth and they grow inside rocks.
Synthetic crystals are possible and very in use today like industrial diamond, made for cutting very hard materials.
Or ruby which is used in lasers, they are most likely synthetic because man-made because synthetic crystals are very pure, unlike natural crystals growth in millions of years, which will encase a lot of impurities.
Minerals and crystals which are natural, are growth without the help of any living being, process called inorganic.
For example, Amber is not a true mineral, because it's crystals are not kept if they are smashed and because Amber is a fossilized resin, produced in millions of years by coniferous trees.

A rock is not a mineral. It is a composition of minerals.
Calcite is a mineral which grows in limestone rock, while Quartz is extracted from granite rock.

In present, there are over 5 000 minerals named and their names are still in growing, over 30 are discovered each year, and others are removed from the list because they don't pass scientific tests.
