Beryl ( Aquamarine , Emerald / Smarald / Smaragd / Smaragn )

Beryl from Brazilia:

Smarald - Emerald - Smaragd from Brazilia; a variety of Beryl in green color:

Varieties of Beryl are emerald and aquamarine.
Pure Beryl is colorless.
Impirities gives the color of green, blue, yellow, red (rarest) and white.
Beryl is a source of beryllium.
The first eyeglasses where constructed in 13th century in Italy, lanses made of beryl.
Can contain sodium, lithium and cesium. Variable formula (Be,Na,Li,Ce)Al2Si6O18

Beryl has beryllium and is known to be cancinogen with acute toxic effects leading to pneumonitis when inhaled.

Category: cyclosilicate
Formula: Be3Al2Si6O18
Beryllium 5,03%; Aluminum 10,04%; Silicon 31,35%; Oxygen 53,58%
13,96% BeO; 18,97% Al2O3; 67,07% SiO2
Density 2,76 average
Crystal system: hexagonal
Color: green, blue, yellow, colorless, pink and other
Crystal habit: prismatic, tabular crystals
Cleavage imperfect
Fracture conchoidal to irregular
Mohs scale 7,5-8
Luster vitreous to resinous
Streak white
Trasparent to translucent to opaque
Specific gravity 2,76
Optical properties uniaxial (-)
Pleochroism wheal to distinct
Rock type: igneous, metamorphic
Special characteristics:
None to weak fluorescence in Morganite, emerald
Fluorescence yellow, light blue, purple, pink or red
Common impurities: Fe, Mn, Mg, Ca, Cr, Na, Li, Cs, O, H, H2O, K, Rb

Hardness of 7,5-8 Mohs
Insoluble in acids
Crystal form prismatic, tabular
Streak white

Aquamarine - shy blue to bluish green, mainly associated with granitic pegmatites
Bazzite - has some rare element scandium replacing some of the aluminium  Be3(Al,Sc)2SiO6
Bixbite - a form of red beryl from Utah
Emerald - green variety of Beryl; contains chromium
Golden Beryl - golden yellow to orange yellow variety of Beryl
Goshenite - colorless or white variety of Beryl
Green Beryl - pale green variety of Beryl, distinguished from emerald which is a deeper green
Heliodor - greenish-yellow to yellow variety of Beryl, may also describe light green, orange and brown Beryl and can be interchangeable with Golden Beryl
Morganite - pink to light purple variety of Beryl
Pezzottaite - a newly identified raspberry red similar to Pezzottaite Beryl but contains lithium Cs(Be2Li)Al2(Si6O18)
Precious Beryl - transparent form of Beryl
Red Beryl - deep red form from Utah
Blue Beryl ( Maxixe ) - pleochoroic light sensitive variety containing 2,8% Cs2O and 1% Li2O; the color is caused by Co3
Alkali Beryl - variety of beryl with high in alkalis Li2O, Na2O, K2O, Rb2O, Cs2O
Aeroides - pale blue gem beryl
Amethiste basaltine of Egleston - violet beryl
Caesium beryl - cefers to caesium bearing beryl named vorobyevite and rosterite
Pachea - dark green chromium rich gem variety of beryl
Raspberyl - red beryl
Riesling beryl - leek green variety of beryl
Rosterite - alkali beryl

Common associations: Quartz, muscovite, albite, orthoclase, calcite, pyrite, spodumene, tourmaline, apatite

Distinguishing similar minerals:
Apatite - softer 5 Mohs
Quartz - softer 7 Mohs, different crystals strated horizontally where beryl striated vertically
Feldspars - softer 6 Mohs and good cleavage
Topaz - different crystal form
Tourmaline - different crystal form and heavily striated

In long and short wave orange-yellow.
Other colors in short wave: bluish white, dark orange, dark yellow, bluish
Main common activator Cr 3+
Other activators: Fe 3+, Mn, V, VO
VO peak spectrum 433 nm
Mn tetrahedral 480 nm and octaedral 570 nm
Fe or V or Mn with peak at 720 - 745 nm
Cr or V has lines at 693 and 694 nm


Other names: Emerald aquamarine red beryl smarald smaragn smaragnul smaraldul smaragd smaragdul beril berilul
