
Vaterite is a poliform of calcite with the chemical formula identical to aragonite and calcite.

Vaterite is less stable than calcite and aragonite, being very solubile in water, it will convert to calcite at low temperatures or in aragonite at high temperatures, aprox 60 Celsius.
Vaterite can transition in calcite at 37 Celsius in water.
Vaterite can appear in nature, minerals, organic tissue, gallstones (stone kidney), urinary stones and plants.
In these cases, metalic ions or organic matter can become vaterite preventing it from becoming calcite or aragonite.
Vaterite is incolor, with a small spherical diameter, from 0,05 to 5 micrometers.

Chemical formula CaCo3
Crystal system Hexagonal
Color incolor
Habitat: small typical fibers under 0,1 mm in spherical agregates
Fracture: irregular to uneven
Hardness: 3 Mohs
Subvitrous, waxy
Special characteristics:
Luminoscence: can pressent white-blue fluorescence
Can have white-blue phosphorescence

Type UV: mid wave 320 nm white blue, fluorescence and phosphorescence

Other names: vaterit vaterite vateritul kidney stone gallstone galstone piatra la rinichi
